Organization: Women for Genuine Security"Women for Genuine Security is a U.S. based organization that promotes a world of genuine security based on justice and respect for others across national boundaries, a world free of militarism, violence and all forms of sexual exploitation. Through educational programs and resources, WGS promotes critical analysis, activist partnerships and greater accountability of the U.S. government for the violence, environmental devastation, and sexual abuse caused by the U.S. military in countries that host U.S. forces and bases. We began in 1996 when women from Okinawa (Japan) appealed to us as women living in the United States to take responsibility and speak up about the impacts of our military in other countries. Women participating in the WGS core group are students, teachers, translators, organizers, policy-makers, writers and mothers. We share a framework and analysis that pays close attention to systems of inequality based on race, class, gender and nation."