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NRHL 3315: Perspectives of Professional Nursing Practice: Research Strategies

Research Strategies

Develop a research plan

ASK QUESTIONS TO DEFINE YOUR TOPIC Or    A 'concept map' may be helpful: 

 Who?        What?       Where?       When?          

             Why?         How?          So What?

What is the definition?

What other words could be used to research this topic?

What are some causes ?

What are some results or consequences ?

What larger social or political issues are related to this topic?

research concept map showing a large circle reading 'what is required?' with smaller circles overlapping it with labels such as 'definition' and 'recent examples'[source]


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5700 College Rd.
Lisle, IL 60532
(630) 829-6050


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225 E. Main St.
Mesa, AZ 85201
(480) 878-7514