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NRHL 3315: Perspectives of Professional Nursing Practice: Part 2: Finding Primary Sources


Primary sources can come in multiple format types, such as a video interview, print book, eBook or journal article. Below are the steps for finding each type. 

Video Interviews

Click on the link below to access the Librarys collection of video interviews with nurse theorists. If the video shows a nurse theorist talking about her theory, then it is a primary source. If the video is about the nurse theorist but does not have an interview, it is a secondary source.

Nurse Authored Books

Many nurse authors have written books about their nurse theory. But most of them are not within the 5 current years period. You can search the Library Catalog by the author to find these primary sources.  Use the search box below to find books in our collection written by a nurse theorist. An example: is the book written by Jean Watson on her theory.

Type in "Watson's theory of nursing" under Bensearch.

You will find limited to Books 69 books.

But these are all secondary sources as Watson's caring theory came into the literature much earlier. And subsequent nurse author including Watson wrote more about it. 





Caring science, mindful practice: implementing watson’s human caring theory

Sitzman, Kathleen ; Watson, Jean


 .... It was developed for use as the primary text for an online caring theory course that will be offered through the Watson Caring Science Institute in October 2013...





Caring science, mindful practice : implementing Watson's human caring theory

Sitzman, Kathleen.; Watson, Jean, 1940-






Watson's caring in the digital world: a guide for caring when interacting, teaching, and learning in cyberspace

Sitzman, Kathleen ; Watson, Jean


 This innovative text, built on the foundations of Watson's Caring Science, demonstrates how nursing professionals can develop virtual relationships that encompass caring and understanding...





Measuring caring: international research on Caritas as healing

Nelson, John; Watson, Jean


 Jean Watson's Theory of Human Caring (Caritas) is now used in approximately 300 health care institutions in the United States and other institutions worldwide...


 The 3 books listed below are "Primary" sources. So they are safe to be cited. If you need help getting an APA 7th citation please ask us.
Book 1

Measuring caring international research on caritas as healing

Watson Caring Science Institute.; Nelson, John, R.N.; Watson, Jean, 1940-
View Online

Book 2

Another Ebook, which is a primary resource for humanistic theory

Humanistic Nursing by Josephine G. Paterson and Loretta T. Zderad

Book 3

Nightingale, Florence (1860)  Notes on nursing: what it is and what it is not'








Nurse Authored Articles


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