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Nutrition And Health Research Guide: How to avoid Plagiarism

How to Avoid Plagiarism

Citing sources

In your research process to find information about your topic you collected books, and journal articles of interest by searching the Benedictine University Library website. You created the ten-page research report after reading all the collected information. Now, that is what we mean by citing references -books, journal articles, or any information in any format that you used to understand the topic. The selected literature is your citing sources, and the particular format will be that of the American Medical Association (AMA citation style)


Each citation style will have an in-text citation style and a specific style for the bibliography or a list of references at the end of your research report. And it is of the utmost importance that you are correct in recording the author, title, journal, volume, issue pages, and year of publication. The citation is a way for readers to be able to understand the full text of the material used. Any errors will be considered fraud...



AMA manual of style: a guide for authors and editors

American Medical Association.2020



AMA style shortcuts


This is the best source I have found so far.

The Purdue Owl has some information too.

CAUTION: After you have cited all the resources, it would not hurt to check again in the print book resource if you bought it or check at the Research Desk on the second floor.



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