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IDS: Benedictine Teaching Resources for Faculty: The Millennial Classroom: Strategies for Engagement


  • The goal of the August 17, 2017 session is to identify the characteristics of our students as millennial students, their strengths and weaknesses as learners, to collect good practices of active learning, and to brainstorm strategies for engaging Benedictine students in the classroom whether face to face or on-line.
  • The goal for the August 18, 2017 session is good course design, using backward design to ensure the learning goals drive the structure, content and assessment of the material. This will help participants think through their courses from the beginning of the seminar, giving them a frame for the activities and readings to come.

Teaching Tools & Readings

Investment rubric







attendance and prompt arrival





stay alert: optimistic body language





demonstrate respect (for others, the course material, etc.)





ask questions during class





engage others’ ideas during class discussions





listen deeply, no side-bar conversations or texting etc.





apply ideas from the course to your life







Kindlon Hall
5700 College Rd.
Lisle, IL 60532
(630) 829-6050


Gillett Hall
225 E. Main St.
Mesa, AZ 85201
(480) 878-7514