Molecular visualization means looking at molecular models to explore and understand them. Molecular visualization does not necessarily involve molecular modeling, which means creating molecular models or changing the composition or configurations of existing models.
Molecular Structure at the atomic level is an abstract concept for students, while studies have shown that student misconceptions are the root cause of confusion about molecular structure. This Guide aims to encourage students to improve their spatial abilities and imagine chemical molecular structures or biomolecular structures in 3D. Computer technologies are currently available to make this possible. Chemistry is unique in the sense of using code ( symbols), to study the phenomena that occur at the microscopic and subatomic levels. A biomolecule, also called a biological molecule, is any of numerous substances that are produced by cells and living organisms. Biomolecules have a wide range of sizes and structures and perform a vast array of functions. The four major types of biomolecules are carbohydrates, lipids, nucleic acids, and proteins. (
So if visually the students are able to see the examples of the actual process not just in 3D but in Immersive technology, research studies show an improvement in removing some of the confusion shown by students.
Kindlon Hall
5700 College Rd.
Lisle, IL 60532
(630) 829-6050
Gillett Hall
225 E. Main St.
Mesa, AZ 85201
(480) 878-7514