The full-text Quick Reference Guide section offers clear, useful information in the form of a resource page, summary paper or review article. The General Reference section is a list of links to other useful psychology sites
Offered as a public service by an Ohio web development company this site provides essays on common concerns, a user questions response column, links to help find health care providers, and lots of ads.
Classics in the History of Psychology from York University in Toronto is an effort to make the full texts of a large number of historically significant public domain documents from the scholarly literature of psychology and allied disciplines available on the World Wide Web
The Encyclopedia of Psychology from William Palya at Jacksonville State University aims to facilitate browsing in any area of psychology by presenting a listing of selected links to the subject.
Psych Web at Georgia Southern University is a gold mine of information for psychology faculty and students. The offerings include links to full text material, a student guide in the form of discussion pages, an APA citation format resource list, and even sample exam questions (with answers) for popular undergraduate psychology courses. Some areas have not been updated as well as could be wished, but this is still an excellent site.
Regularly maintained by Dr. John Grohol and a staff of contributing editors, this is one of the Net's best information sources for mental health information, as well as providing annotated guides to the most useful websites, newsgroups, and mailing lists online today in mental health, psychology, social work, and psychiatry.
Developed by the International Union of Psychological Science the portal is organized geographically and aims to be the comprehensive resource for psychology. Information includes organizations and institutions, regulation of practice, research and education; history; and major contacts within a country.
Part of The World Wide Web Virtual Library. Sites are inspected and evaluated for their adequacy as information sources. Some sites are organized by type, e.g. academic departments, or books & publishers; others by subject, e.g. history, religion, stress. There is also a search function available.
Social Psychology Network at Wesleyan University focuses on social psychology but contains links to psychology-related resources, in all areas. Highlights include links to the homepages of Social Psychologists, and to web based social psychology courses.