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Copyright: Copyright FAQ

Fair Use Myths and Facts

Articles and General Information

I would like to use the same copyrighted material that I used in a prior class. Do I have to get permission to use these again?

Yes. Permission is given on a per-use basis.

I would like to scan copies of course readings and make them available on the course management system. Is this OK?

Not without permission from the copyright holder. If the library has a copy of the reading in a journal or e-book you can create a link to the reading.

May I make a copy of the textbook to place on reserve? The book is too expensive.

No. This practice is contrary to the Fair Use provision regarding affecting the market. The copyright holder owns the market monopoly on his/her work.

Is it within copyright for an instructor to place a copy of the textbook on reserve in the Library?

Yes. This does not impact the copyright owner’s market monopoly.

Using Student Created Materials

Using materials created by students requires permission from the student who is the copyright holder.

Can I post copies of documents to my course management software?

You can scan 10% of a text. If you need to use more than that you will need to get permission from the copyright owner.


Can I use a YouTube video in class or embed it in my course software?

To avoid copyright infringement ensure that the video has been uploaded to YouTube by the copyright holder, otherwise it cannot be used. If the video has been posted by the copyright holder you need to check the terms of use. If there are limitations listed, you can use the video in class or embed it in D2L or other course management system.

I would like to digitize a copy of a film/DVD that I own and embed it in D2L.

It is illegal to reformat media. Licensing must be procured in order to stream and media in D2L or any course management system.

The film/video that I would like to use is out of print and deteriorating. Can I make a copy?

Yes, the Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998 allows libraries to make up to three copies of video and print materials for archiving.


Can I make copies of sheet music for my students to use?

No. In order to make copies you need the permission of the copyright holder.  You may use up to 10% of the lyrics and music as fair use.

Can I post audio clips to my course management software?

You may post 10% or 30 seconds of an audio clip. Post a link to the recording if it is available online; otherwise you need to obtain permission from the copyright holder.


Kindlon Hall
5700 College Rd.
Lisle, IL 60532
(630) 829-6050


Gillett Hall
225 E. Main St.
Mesa, AZ 85201
(480) 878-7514